Thursday, May 29, 2008

Fitted For Work

No, we haven't started selling Diana Ferrari! This is one of my own "interview tops" from an earlier decade that I'll be donating to Fitted for Work. The organisation helps long term unemployed and disadvantaged women return to work by offering them interview and resume advice along with an outfit to wear all with the aim of improving their self confidence and independence.

I have to admit that I hadn't heard of this organisation until a lovely regular customer mentioned them yesterday - thanks Gabby. I probably should also add that Gabby came in to let me know that she was having trouble leaving a comment on this blog. And since Sunday is giveaway day I need to let everyone know that you don't need to register with google, you can leave an Anonymous comment or click on Name/URL and just fill in your name (doesn't have to be your real name) and you don't need to put a URL here. This way you can protect your privacy and if you'd like me to contact you, you can always email me at I hope that this makes sense. I'll be posting the giveaway question on Sunday (1st June) so do try to leave a comment!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Esme and the Laneway

Today I was going to try to write something whimsical about the wind and the autumn leaves in Scotchmer St. That is I was until I read Esme and the Laneway and then remembered that it's always better to do what you're good at and leave (in this case, whimsical) to others. This blog is beautiful!

Today's image is actually a repeat from 2 blogs ago. It's destined for our website. Yes, the website really is happening, any day now, I promise!

Saturday, May 10, 2008


The sign on the shop window this month reads..."We thought we'd confuse everyone further by opening for the month of May". That means we'll be open our original (way back in the beginning) hours of Wed, Thurs, Friday 10-6 and Sat+Sunday 10-4. We'll be closed for the day on the 28th of May but that's a whole other story!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Thankyou to Betty Jo, Klar and Brydie for your eighties suggestions. I have to confess that all of my teenage years were consumed by the eighties so I have a mix of bitter sweet memories and your replies sent me to some pretty scary places. Will let you know when I christen the bangles but until then I'll be sending out a pair of Posie Hose Anklets to each of you. So... just let me know ( if you'd like a pink, blue or white pair (a la eighties Madonna) and I shall pop them in the post.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Giveaway Day

This is a sample of the new palette of colours in our Hosier Bangle range. Our earlier colours were food inspired (Rich Dessert and Sorbet) but we're not sure what to call these so we'll be sending out a pair of Posie Hose anklets to the first 3 people to send in their suggestions (preferably something to do with the 'eighties').